Tuesday, June 18, 2019

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The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Volume 1: Modern Poetry


Binding: Paperback
Number of Pages:
Amazon Page : https://www.amazon.com/Norton-Anthology-Modern-Contemporary-Poetry/dp/0393977919
Amazon Price : $61.87
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Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 14

Results The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Volume 1: Modern Poetry

The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry The newly titled Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry―now available in two paperback volumes―includes 1596 poems by 195 poets half of the poems are new from Walt Whitman and Thomas Hardy in the late nineteenth century to Anne Carson and Sherman Alexie in the twentyfirst The Norton Anthology of Modern Contemporary Poetry Vol 1 “The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry” is a two volume set Volume 1 modern poetry and Volume 2 contemporary poetry The volumes are demarcated by the end of World War II modern poetry being prewar poets and contemporary poetry being postwar poets The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry The newly titled Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry—now available in two paperback volumes—includes 1596 poems by 195 poets half of the poems are new from Walt Whitman and Thomas Hardy in the late nineteenth century to Anne Carson and Sherman Alexie in the twentyfirst The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry W The newly titled Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry—now available in two paperback volumes—includes 1596 poems by 195 poets half of the poems are new from Walt Whitman and Thomas Hardy in the late nineteenth century to Anne Carson and Sherman Alexie in the twentyfirst 0393977919 The Norton Anthology of Modern and The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry Volume 1 Modern Poetry by Ramazani Jahan Editor Ellmann Richard Editor OClair Robert Editor and a great selection of related books art and collectibles available now at The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry is an anthology of two volumes edited by Jahan Ramazani Richard Ellmann 1918–1987 and Robert OClair The anthology is large with 1100 pages in each of the two volumes Volume I about modern poetry and Volume II contemporary poetry Essays on poetics are included in each volume